Cucumber Nutrition

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Here’s a chart outlining the approximate nutritional values for one medium-sized cucumber (about 301 grams), with the peel:

These values are approximate and can vary depending on factors such as the specific variety of cucumber and its size.

Total Fat0.3 grams
Saturated Fat0 grams
Trans Fat0 grams
Cholesterol0 mg
Sodium6 mg
Potassium442 mg
Total Carbohydrate11 grams
Dietary Fiber2 grams
Sugars5 grams
Protein2 grams
Vitamin A5% of DV
Vitamin C14% of DV
Calcium4% of DV
Iron4% of DV

Cucumbers offers an abundance of fiber, potassium and vitamin C, as well as being low in fat and sodium content. You can easily enjoy cucumbers raw or cooked as a side dish dish. One cup of sliced cucumbers only has 16 calories! Additionally, cucumber nutrition includes phytonutrients with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and soluble fiber which can help lower cholesterol levels.  Additionally, its low glycemic index means it won’t increase your blood sugar levels either!

Cucumbers are an indispensable addition to salads, but can also be added to almost any other dish. Their high water content and low calorie count makes them an excellent addition for dieters looking for fresh food options that provide essential nutrition such as vitamins A & C, K & E, as well as magnesium potassium copper manganese (MKG&Mn) & folate (FOL).

Cucumbers offer various nutrients depending on their variety, geographic location and harvest time. However, all varieties provide essential elements for proper nutrition, such as water, fiber, vitamins and minerals. One cup of sliced cucumbers provides approximately 1 gram of dietary fiber which has been shown to lower colorectal cancer risks by up to 10%. In addition, cucumbers contain cucurbitacin which has anti-inflammatory and cancer fighting properties.

One cup of sliced cucumbers packs about 20 milligrams of calcium, an impressive figure for non-dairy food! Adults need 1,000-1,200 milligrams daily and foods such as cucumbers that contain both dietary fiber and vitamin D can help improve absorption of calcium.

Multiple studies indicate that eating cucumbers may help lower high blood pressure. Their high concentration of nutrients such as potassium, calcium and magnesium helps regulate blood pressure.  In addition, their natural diuretic properties help relieve fluid retention and bloating.

Cucumbers can also provide pregnant women with several advantages during their pregnancies, as their vitamins and minerals provide important support for fetal development as well as maintaining healthy pregnancies. Furthermore, cucumbers’ high water content and low caloric count helps prevent dehydration as well as weight gain during gestation.

If you want to include cucumbers as part of your diet, organic varieties are always preferable as conventional ones are grown using pesticides and chemicals that could potentially be harmful. Also be sure to wash the skin of the cucumber before eating as some varieties contain wax coating that keeps its crispiness. Peeling it might not always be necessary but always better be safe than sorry when eating raw produce!

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